I wish you could see how many drafts of new blog posts I've started, never finished and never posted. If you're reading this then it means I actually finished a new post. Go me!
Here is what I'm currently up to:
- I'm 29 weeks pregnant as of today. I feel so close to holding this baby girl in my arms yet so far away. I've been having horrible back pain and what I think are regular contractions on a daily basis. I'm hoping that nothing is going on and this baby doesn't have plans for an early arrival.
- We're almost done with Carter's "big boy" room. He's been sleeping in his room almost every single night and the transition from co-sleeping was a lot easier than I imagined. Actually, there was no transition. We showed him his bed, told him that he was a big boy now and big boys sleep in their big boy beds, and he did. He was ready, and so were we. I'm planning a picture post dedicated to his new room in the very near future - we just need to finish a few minor details first, but here are some crappy iPhone pictures in the mean time:
Carter's bed, wall art and new headboard. |
New storage area under his TV. I put this together myself - hammer, nails and all. |
-Now that Carter's room is almost finished, I can start work on the nursery. We have purchased the paint supplies and plan on painting the nursery tomorrow. We're re-using Carter's crib (that he never used but hoping this baby will) and my mom purchased the dresser and chair I wanted as her gift for the new baby. I'll be selling Carter's blue glider on Craigslist. I also bought a frilly pink footstool for the new chair, prints for the walls, and an adorable pom mobile from Etsy. Here is a peak of the letters I worked on last weekend for her room:
-My close friend Amy is having her baby right today. I shot her maternity pictures and pictures of her son's nursery not too long ago. She's asked me to take some pictures of her new family at the hospital after Liam (her son) is born. I can't wait to meet him!
- I'm also planning on winning the Mega Millions tonight, so if you never hear from me again..yea, I won.
Happy Friday!!