I have that sad morning after Christmas feeling, except it's the morning after my birthday. I build up the excitement in my head for so long and anticipate all the wonderful things we will do and presents I'll get and now it's over. Sigh. But I did get almost everything I wanted + some!! So here's my day in a nutshell:
I had to work yesterday, but it was the Friday before a three day weekend and also my birthday so it was an exciting day! Carter woke up around 5am (Carter is my 8 month old) and I made my hubby Andy give Carter his bottle so I got to rest a little more then usual. I slept in and was late to work...ooops. When I got out of the shower, Andy had cinnamon raisin toast made waiting for me (I LOVE cinnamon raisin toast but usually don't have time to make it). He also had picked a flower for me. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder where he picked it? Not from our yard! Sorry neighbor. So this is how my day started out:
When I arrived at the office, I discovered the door to my office had a Happy Birthday sign above it, and in my office I found flowers (thanks to my good friend and coworker Laura & her fiance Scott), and a $25 gift card to Sephora. I looooooove Sephora. I could stay there 24/7, sleep there and live off the products, and make babies with the store. Too much? I am truly at my happiest walking in Sephora and knowing I have money to spend. Ok, well being with my son I'm also at my happiest, but Sephora is a close 2nd. I know it's expensive and frivolous, but I can't help myself.
After I had thanked her for my gifts, and read the office birthday card signed by everyone, I made my way to the break room to make my usual coffee with 4 mini vanilla and hazelnut creamers. I know its totally excessive, but I can't drink it any other way. Anyways, when I walked in, I found a big box of ginormous cupcakes! They were HUGE! It was seriously the best day ever.
A bunch of the girls from the office took me to lunch with my mom, Andy & Carter. Andy had the day off from work because his boss so generously decided to close the office Friday, so he had Carter all day and met us for lunch at BJ's. It was nice except that I had to go back to work and finish off a bunch of things before I could go home to my babies.
My lunch with the girls, Kat my sister smiling in front
We had dinner at this amazing restaurant called Mediterraneo. Well, my mother would tell you its not so amazing, many, many times, until you are on the verge of crying for making you feel so badly about your restaurant choice, but that's another story. I do love you Momma! Isn't that what mom's are for? They have this dessert Andy and I l.o.v.e. It's a white chocolate mouse with fresh berries in a caramel almond bowl. I'm drooling just thinking about it. Ok on to the best part, THE PRESENTS!!!!
I'm in love with everything I got, especially the Petunia Pickle Bottom Diaper bag that my lovely hubby got me! I'm so excited, I have been using this cheap $10 diaper bag that attracts dirt easily and is too small, and I feel very dumpy holding it, but my new diaper bag is just amazing!!! Pics below! It's super sexy. My friend Amy commented that only I would call a diaper bag sexy. Hehe. But IT IS! Right?? Anything can be sexy.
Ok, well I'm off to get ready to spend all the gift cards I got and going to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory thanks to my good friend Laila & her son Brahim (same age as Carter, born 1 week apart). She graciously got me a $50 Cheesecake Factory gift card for my birthday, and I can't wait to use it. I LOVE the Cheesecake Factory.
I wish I could have celebrated with you! I didn't end up going out of town, but I saw Mateo's play that night, so I was unavailable regardless. I can't wait to celebrate this Saturday!!
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