Sorry I've neglected you blog. I've been really busy. Well, I'm always really busy but I guess it's more I've had virtually no energy to do anything except what I absolutely have to. With good reason.
I think the last time I posted, I *knew* I was pregnant just didn't have confirmation, and then I was obsessively testing until I got my positive result, and then I obsessively tested until I ran out of tests. So I'm almost 9 weeks now, which is scaring the sh*t out of me because it's going by way too fast. I need time to slow down so I can get our life in order to handle another one.
We had a wonderful Christmas, I'm a little sad it's all over. We announced baby #2 on Christmas morning, it was a sweet beautiful moment and my father actually cried. Carter had a lot of fun playing with his cousin's and spending a week at my parent's house. He is an amazing little boy who we are so proud of. His energy levels are astounding, and even his Daycare lady says he has the most energy out of all the other kids. Not surprising. I know it's my karma because I was a little tornado as a child and so was Andy. We're managing but I'm holding on hope that this next little one will be mellow because I don't know what we would do with two little Carters!
Well another year has come and gone. So much to be grateful for, and so much to look forward to. Here is look back on all the amazing things we did this year:
1. Spent a glorious weekend in Lake Arrowhead with family & friends in January
2. Andy's parent's came out in February to meet Carter for the first time, and Carter had his FIRST Disneyland trip.
3. In April we went to Charleston, SC on business with the Family and Carter had his very first plane ride. He also got to meet his friend Brahim from Virginia, and Mommy met Laila.
4. May 28th Mommy turned 27! And Celebrated at dinner with my family.
5. Uncle Nathan flew out in June and met his Nephew Carter, and Carter went to Disneyland for the SECOND time!
6. We also went back east in June - July for TWO whole weeks and visited Andy's family and all my family in Massachusetts. We also spent beautiful nights just the 3 of us in Vermont. What a wonderful trip!
6. In August, Carter went to Hawaii with Mommy, Auntie Roc, Auntie Sue, my family, and the Esterlines. He is such a lucky guy! This trip was hard for me because Andy wasn't there and I didn't have much help so I was pretty exhausted.
7. September brought Carter's FIRST Birthday Bash. We went all out for the party and it was amazing. He also started walking this month (boy, we were in for it!)
8. Halloween was a lot of fun; we went trick or treating with our little Yoda and spent it with good friends.
9. We had a wonderful family Thanksgiving (see post below), Carter was able to partake in the yummy food, I helped my Father do all the cooking (we split 50/50) and we got pregnant with our baby #2!
10. Christmas was unbelievably special and I am so excited for next year when we'll get to spend it with TWO little ones.
WOW. What a year. I didn't think 2009 could be topped, but I'd have to say 2010 was pretty amazing. Here's what I'm looking forward to in 2011:
1. Our Hawaii trip from Jan 20-26th with the Yorks and Andy's parents visit. THIS time I'll really get to relax with 3 helping hands around. :)
2. Andy's 35th Birthday and the possibility of a mexican cruise to make up for not having a honeymoon and as a babymoon. Thanks Mom for the idea and willing to plan it for us and help watch Carter (anyone else wanna take him for one of the nights??)
3. Laura & Scott's Wedding / Bach Party and Wedding Shower. Excited for another one of my close friends to get married and for more friends to grow their families!
4. Andy growing the personal lines dept. at ABI and makings lots of MONEY!
5. Our newest Baby York arriving, finding out the sex, and all the wonderful joys that come along with it. AND getting 3 month's maternity leave this time.
6. Hopefully planning our annual East Coast vacation and visiting my cousin's new babies.
7. The Holiday Season 2011. My FAVORITE time of the year.
That's about it for now although I'm sure there will be many surprises in store for us this year.
As for me and how I'm feeling; I'm exhausted. Incredibly exhausted. I definitely didn't feel this bad the first time around. I've had no energy, am emotionally unbalanced, have horrible nausea, and am so bloated. Basically the complete opposite of my first pregnancy. I'm ready for the 2nd trimester when I hope this all passes so I can actually get things done and feel like a semi-normal person again. WOW. I'm excited about the 2nd chance of doing all of this again and do certain things differently that didn't work us before, etc.
That's all I got for now, I think you're pretty updated and this is long enough.
Xoxo. Michelle
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