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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Momma's Birthday!

This weekend we celebrated my mom's birthday with a night out with the ladies on Saturday (minus some drama let's forget about), and a nice family picnic in the park Sunday.

Carter had so much fun at the park Sunday, I thought he might burst of excitement. We went to the dog park, the playground and then another part of the part called the "Splash Zone," I think. I can't wait to take him back there soon! He started out a little aprehensive about the water and would just barely step foot in there and within 30 minutes he was down to his diaper and SOAKED. Too bad my camera died before I could get those pictures.

Happy little clam.

The "Splash Zone" with Grammie.

A beautiful day at the park. (Carter, Papa & Andy in the background)

My momma and her limo.

The bestest.

Carter and his Uncle Alex.

As far as sleeping goes, he is still happily in his crib and we are the happiest parents EVER. Around 8pm every night I tell him it's "Nuh-night time," and he heads for the stairs. The other night he actually cried to get into his crib at 7pm!! We all need a little down time to ourselves each day, including our little ones. I think he truly enjoys his end of the day alone time in his crib (with his 3 stuffed animal friends of course, Doggie 1, Doggie 2 and Ewok).

I have a lot to look forward to the next few weeks. I'm heading out to the Britney Spears concert (woo woo) on June 24th, and then we're off to Mass. for a week of family time. I love having events to look forward to, I always need something new to focus on.



katherinebee said...

How fun! Carter is adorable!