How Far Along: 12 weeks 6 days (13 weeks tomorrow, eeeeeek)
Size of baby: The baby is almost 3 inches long. Wow, that seems pretty big to me. I love all three inches of you baby.
Gender: Still too early but I'm feeling a boy vibe. I'm not good with gender guessing though. I was sure my friend Amy was having a girl, but she's having a B-O-Y. Also, the Chinese Gender Calendar has always been wrong for me until I read that you have to use your lunar age. I used my lunar age, and it was correct for Carter and Rose, it also predicts this little one is a boy. (And Amy, I checked, it's right for you too).
Apparently I like to waste money because I shelled out $35 for this thing:
Taken at 10 weeks like the directions state. I've read that Intelligender can be wildly inaccurate, but I couldn't help myself.
I'm scheduling an elective gender ultrasound in my 15th week. I know a lot of people who found at at 15 weeks, and I would like to be one of them. I don't think I can wait until my 19 week anatomy scan. Also, I'll be 15 weeks right before Christmas and thought it would be fun to find out and announce on Christmas morning. If the baby cooperates.
Movement: Too early.
What I miss: Nothing.
Cravings: Italian food. Food in general. Food that is not salad.
Symptoms: I'm feeling pretty good this week, my fatigue has eased up and I feel semi-normal (which also scares me).
Best Moment of this week: My successful NT scan last Thursday! The baby measured 1 day ahead of my LMP, no more measuring behind. The Nuchal Fold measured 1.4mm which was spot on, and the nasal bone was present. Heart rate was 164 bpm.
I'm starting my 13th week tomorrow and the anxiety is setting in. I was 14 weeks when I found out we had lost Rose, and she passed at 13 weeks 5 days based on measurements. Please God let me get through the next two weeks. Please let me take home a healthy baby.
Happy freaking Holidays everyone!
You guys are in my thoughts! *hugs*
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